- The impact of recent global economic slump on Indian capital market
- The study on Indian Financial System post liberalization
- The impact of Global recession on Information Technology sector in India
- A comparative study of Bancassurance products in banks
- A Comparative study of Equity linked Savings Schemes floated by domestic Mutual fund players.
- A Comparative Study of cost of capital in Automobile/Steel/Pharma/ Finance industry
- A comparative study of Finance performance of banks using various ratios.
- Profitability and Operational Efficiency of banks in India
- Profitability and Operational Efficiency of Public Sector banks
- A study of working capital management in small scale industries
- The scope of Microfinance in Indian context.
- Financial Inclusion- The scope and effect in Indian economy
- Rural banking in India
- Dematerialization – The scope and effect.
- The future of Investment banks in the post Lehman Brothers era
- Competitive Analysis of Depositary Service Provider
- Comparison of Initial Public Offer in Infrastructure Sector
- Comparison between Investment in Equity and Mutual Fund
- How to Plan Invest In Insurance Sector And Tax Planning
- External Debt Management
- Responsibility Accounting
- Key Performance Indicators of Supply Chain Retail
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Financial Planning and Forecasting
- Financial Instruments
- Impact of Macroeconomic Factors On Money Supply
- Export Marketing Entry Strategy
- Comparative Analysis of NPA of Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Foreign Banks
- Comparative Study on ULIPS in the Indian Insurance Market
- Comparative Evaluation Strategies in Mergers and Acquisitions
- Cash Management
- Working Capital Management
- Analysis of Financial Statements of XYZ Company
- Alternate Revenue Sources for the Bank
- Accounting Implication on Foreign Currency Transaction
- Global Economic Crises
- Equity Analysis of Banks
- Emergence of Initial Public Offers as an Investment Avenue
- The Effect of Changes in Credit Ratings on Equity Returns
- The Effect of Bond Rating Changes on Stock Prices
- Merchant Banking in India
- Load Testing of Loan Search
- Investment Opportunity in Stock Market with Special Focus on Oil Sector
- Inventory Management and Budgetary Control System
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- In-Depth Study of Housing Finance Sector
- Impact of Macroeconomic Factors On Money Supply
- Currency Derivatives
- Descriptive Qualitative Approach towards the Financing Needs of Indian Telecom Sector
Derivatives - Demat Account
- Customer Profitability
- Currency Derivative Business Perspective
- Credit Appraisal Process in SME Sector of State Bank of India
- Credit Analysis of Personal Loan
- Creating and Measuring Shareholder Value
- Corporate Governance
And MANY MORE ……………